Whew- that was a busy day! All 104 travelers have made it to Germany (well technically, one is still in the air). Weather delays around much of the East Coast had 31 travelers delayed at one point. Luckily 101 of our 104 made the flight, and we rebooked the other 3.
The good news is this morning in Munchen (Munich) our two flight groups landed safely! After meeting the tour guides and packing the bus, both groups headed out to Dachau, a former concentration camp and memorial, to soak in some WWII history. Then the groups spent some time in the city center doing a city walk and tonight will dine at the famous Schneider Bräuhaus, where they will have an authentic German meal. Then it’s off to the hotel to rest ofter the long flights.
We will continue to update you as the trip progresses. Hopefully our STUDENT Bloggers will send us some blogs they write through the journey as well. But I wanted to let everyone know that everyone is safe and happy and enjoying getting to know each other and Germany! Stay tuned…
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